Firmament | Eric Ranaan Fischman

Image: Saad Chaudhry


My boss asks me to watch 16 hours
of camera footage. Instead I watch dandelions
lose their heads at the slightest breeze. Nearby weeds
shed their mustard petals. The sky dares me
to name its every shade of blue. Cotton, Chromium,
Seafoam, Tremor. There are more
important things to worry about today than work,
like breathing the grass-cut air, catching
the sun’s bright spears. The swollen clouds are
an army of angel wings descending.
I watch their feathers fall.

Eric Raanan Fischman is an MFA graduate of Naropa University’s Jack Kerouac School of Disembodied Poetics. He has taught free writing workshops in Nederland, Boulder, and Longmont, Colorado, and has had work in Bombay Gin, Boulder Weekly, Suspect Press, and many more, as well as in local community fundraising anthologies from Punch Drunk Press and South Broadway Ghost Society. He also curates the Boulder/Denver metro area poetry calendar at and is a regular contributor to the BPS blog. His first book, “Mordy Gets Enlightened,” was published through The Little Door in 2017.